full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Sebastian Deterding: What your designs say about you

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But the plrobem is, as Foucault ponits out, that every technology of the self has a technology of domination as its flip side. As you see in today's modern liberal democracies, the society, the state, not only allows us to determine our self, to shape our self, it also demands it of us. It demands that we optimize ourselves, that we control ourselves, that we self-manage cuislntonouy, because that's the only way in which such a liabrel society works. These technologies want us to stay in the game that society has devised for us. They want us to fit in even better. They want us to ozpimite ourselves to fit in.

Open Cloze

But the _______ is, as Foucault ______ out, that every technology of the self has a technology of domination as its flip side. As you see in today's modern liberal democracies, the society, the state, not only allows us to determine our self, to shape our self, it also demands it of us. It demands that we optimize ourselves, that we control ourselves, that we self-manage ____________, because that's the only way in which such a _______ society works. These technologies want us to stay in the game that society has devised for us. They want us to fit in even better. They want us to ________ ourselves to fit in.


  1. continuously
  2. liberal
  3. points
  4. optimize
  5. problem

Original Text

But the problem is, as Foucault points out, that every technology of the self has a technology of domination as its flip side. As you see in today's modern liberal democracies, the society, the state, not only allows us to determine our self, to shape our self, it also demands it of us. It demands that we optimize ourselves, that we control ourselves, that we self-manage continuously, because that's the only way in which such a liberal society works. These technologies want us to stay in the game that society has devised for us. They want us to fit in even better. They want us to optimize ourselves to fit in.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
good life 12
driving behavior 2
persuasive technology 2

Important Words

  1. continuously
  2. control
  3. demands
  4. democracies
  5. determine
  6. devised
  7. domination
  8. fit
  9. flip
  10. foucault
  11. game
  12. liberal
  13. modern
  14. optimize
  15. points
  16. problem
  17. shape
  18. side
  19. society
  20. state
  21. stay
  22. technologies
  23. technology
  24. works